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ABP  American Brilliant Period hand Cut Glass stick dish

ABP American Brilliant Period hand Cut Glass stick dish

$87.99 $110.00 Save $22
Copper wheel etched  "S" Hand cut crosscut whiskey double on the rocks - O'Rourke crystal awards & gifts abp cut glass

4 Copper wheel etched "S" Hand cut crosscut whiskey double on the rocks

$62.99 $79.00 Save $16
Signed Waterford CRYSTAL bowl / plate

Signed Waterford CRYSTAL bowl / plate

$75.99 $95.00 Save $19
Art glass vase Obrazy V Aukci

Art glass vase Obrazy V Aukci

Cut glass abp Antique handled cruid

Cut glass abp Antique handled cruid

$54.99 $69.00 Save $14
Signed Clark American Brilliant Period Cut Glass compote twist stem

Signed Clark American Brilliant Period Cut Glass compote twist stem

$118.99 $149.00 Save $30
Cut Glass bud vase Chrysanthemum Lenox USA crystal Signed

Cut Glass bud vase Chrysanthemum Lenox USA crystal Signed

$18.00 $25.00 Save $7
ABP American Brilliant Period hand Cut Glass stick dish

ABP American Brilliant Period hand Cut Glass stick dish

Cut Glass compote Antique floral

Cut Glass compote Antique floral

Antique Pitcher Cut Glass Harvard

Antique Pitcher Cut Glass Harvard

ABP bowl hand cut glass mouth blown Blank

ABP bowl hand cut glass mouth blown Blank

$179.99 $225.00 Save $45
Hofbauer byrdes glass vase

Hofbauer byrdes glass vase

$14.99 $19.00 Save $4.01
lenox Holiday Dimensions fruit desert dish 3 pieces

lenox Holiday Dimensions fruit desert dish 3 pieces

Glass Mayonnaise bowl and under plate

Glass Mayonnaise bowl and under plate

$18.99 $24.00 Save $5.01
ABP Crystal Cut Glass rolled in celery c242

ABP Crystal Cut Glass rolled in celery c242

$51.99 $65.00 Save $13
American Brilliant Period Cut Glass compote,  Antique c241

American Brilliant Period Cut Glass compote, Antique c241

$51.99 $65.00 Save $13
Cut Glass medium vase Lenox USA crystal Windswept Signed

Cut Glass medium vase Lenox USA crystal Windswept Signed

ABP cut glass vase antique fluted neck Adm

ABP cut glass vase antique fluted neck Adm

$70.99 $89.00 Save $18
Carnival Glass valentine day dish

Carnival Glass valentine day dish

Pair lenox Kate Spade cream stripe dinner plates Beige

Pair lenox Kate Spade cream stripe dinner plates Beige

$14.99 $19.00 Save $4.01
